September 10, 2013

Anna University Revaluation Results May/June 2013 Announced

Anna University Revaluation Results Grade System
May/June 2013 results 

June 14, 2013

Anna University 8th Semester Results 2013 May June

Anna university results Has Been Announced

                                  Click Here to check ur result. All the best
                    Click Here for 8th Semester Revalution Result May/June 2013

May 31, 2013

Anna University Internal Marks(U Too Can See It)

Anna University Internal marks Anna University Exams - How To Check internal marks for University examinations

Anna University Internal Marks For Anna University University Examinations, usually Anna University Internal marks wont be revealed by any colleges in tamilnadu or Anna university - This Is kind of old story Anna university For Internal Mark provided to the students

anna university usually publish the Internal marks along with the external marks scored by the students for each and every subject scored by the student at the time of result publication and students are unable to view their  Internal marks separately, usually that is combined with the external marks the student scored in exam (i.e.) S Grade, E Grade 

Now this a big opportunity  provided by anna university for students , they can view their internal marks before the actual publication of results, Parents Can Also view their son (or) daughter internal marks provided by the institution  ( College ), and they cab able to view whether their son (or) Daughter Absent for the particular Anna university examination

This Option For internal marks and absentees Enabled from Anna University May/June 2013 examination, students can view their internal marks by entering their register number and What Is (small Calculation ) Provided there

How The Internal Marks For Univ Examination Will Be calculated ?

Internal marks for university exam will be calculated based on the internal exam ( Conducted By Concerned Colleges ) plus attendance for the particular semester , This internal marks is given in portal in terms of hundred ( Out Of 100) - During Final Result Publication that Will be converted In twenties ( Out Of 20 ) and Added With External Exam ( Written Exam ) Marks (i.e.) Out of 80

Total = External Exam Marks(Out Of 80)* + Internal Marks(Out Of 20)** 

* Actually you Will Write Exam For 100 Marks that will be converted into 80 Marks (You Have To 36/80 To Get Pass Mark )

** Actually In portal the internal marks Is In terms Of 100 That Will Be Converted In terms Of ( Out Of 20 ) , You Need Minimum of 70 Marks Out Of 100 To Be In safer Side

To Check Click Here & log into Student Login 

May 30, 2013

Gmail will sort your email

Google announced a new kind of inbox for Gmail that automatically sorts messages into categories, or "tabs." For example, updates from Google+ and other networks go into a "Social" tab, deals and offers go into a "Promotions" tab, forum messages go into a "Forums" tab, and receipts and bills go into an "Updates" tab.

Most other types of messages will appear in the "Primary" tab. You can also drag and drop messages from one tab to another, or tell Gmail how to sort messages from a particular contact. Starred messages will always appear in the Primary tab.
On the desktop, the new tabs will appear just above the inbox, so you can switch between them with one click.
On Gmail for Android (4.0 and higher) and iOS, non-Priority tabs appear in the left sidebar menu, and as teasers within the main inbox view.
Gmail's new auto-sorting inbox isn't mandatory. In a blog post, Google says users will be able to switch back to the Classic view, or use Priority Inbox.
The new inbox does seem reminiscent of Gmail's Priority Inbox, which launched nearly three years ago. With Priority Inbox, Gmail attempts to figure out which messages are most important, and bring them to the top. Though some people swear by this feature, reception has always been mixed.
Good move by Google?
It'll be interesting to see the reaction to the new inbox.
For users who don't receive a lot of deals, social networking notifications, or product updates by email, the additional tabs might be a hassle, as they'll require more effort to sort through.
The auto-sorting should be more useful for people whose inboxes are routinely cluttered by low-priority messages.
Of course, that assumes Gmail's algorithms work properly and don't end up putting important emails into non-Primary tabs.
Google says it's rolling out the new inbox gradually, with all versions becoming available in a few weeks.
On the desktop, an option to "Configure inbox" may appear sooner for some users, under the gear icon.

May 20, 2013

Google and NASA Aim to Give AI a Quantum Leap

To discover the deepest mysteries of the universe, no ordinary computer will do. Solving some of the most challenging computer science problems -- notably toward the advancement of machine learning -- will require quantum computing. To that end, Google announced that it is launching the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab with NASA's Ames Research Center, which will host the lab.

This facility will house a new quantum computer from D-Wave Systems and the Universities Space Research Association. Researchers from around the world will share time on it, with the common goal of studying how quantum computing might advance machine learning.
For More Details Click Here

Google Takes Maps to Next Level

Google Maps, already the de facto standard for online and mobile maps, is breaking new ground with added capabilities announced on Wednesday at the Google I/O Conference in San Francisco.
Maps will get 3D views, speech recognition, enhanced voice search capabilities and will leverage artificial intelligence, among other things. Google Maps for mobile is also being enhanced.
For more details Click Here